Your Stories Matter

Discover how to come back home to your writing self through coaching and consulting that reconnects you to your intrinsic creativity, so you can share your unique stories with the world.

Coaching For Science Fiction and Fantasy Novelists

Sessions for writers Desiring to write, publish, and market their novels

You've been hard at work on your novel, but are running into issues getting it over the finish line. You need the support of someone just as committed to your goal as you are. Someone who can provide step-by-step guidance as you write, publish, and market your genre novel. Someone with experience as a bestselling award-winning novelist. Someone who has years of experience as a teacher, coach, consultant, and mentor and who can provide you with discerning, individualized support to help you progress and achieve your goals.

Who This Service Is Best Suited For:

  • You love writing, but feel stuck in the process. 
  • You want the writing process to feel easier and would like to bring more joy to yours.
  • You feel that what's in your way of writing has nothing to do with writing and you'd like to make some changes, but have no idea where to begin.
  • You know the pain of never being able to find your "home" within your creative work, but you so desire to find your way there.

Consulting For Novelists

Sessions for Authors Desiring to Build a Successful and Sustainable  writing Career

You've been able to write and publish your first book, but now, haven't a clue where to go from here. You want to publish more books, but feel stuck on the process of crafting a series. You want to market yourself and build your audience, but aren't sure how to go about that part of the authorship world. What you need is someone who has been there and knows where the pitfalls lie and how to avoid the abyss of the unknown you feel you're in right now. 

Who This Service Is Best Suited For:

  • You're confused on how to brand and market yourself as an author or your books or both.
  • You yearn to develop a marketing routine but you don't know how to get started.
  • You feel lost about how to grow your author status and need guidance marketing yourself and networking.
  • You feel overwhelmed by the business side of authorship.

Collaboration Opportunities


You'd like a speaker or workshop facilitator for your next event, training, or podcast. Or you're looking for a dynamic, information-packed presentation or workshop that delivers results for aspiring and experienced fiction writers. Beth Barany offers bespoke author trainings that are robust and playful, results-oriented and respectful of the often mysterious process of creating.

Who This Service Is Best Suited For:

  • For people looking to partner with Beth Barany
  • Service providers and creative entrepreneurs who want to widen their referral network with like-minded partners
  • Podcast hosts looking for a lively and engaging guest
  • Educational institutions desiring new curriculum and a fulfilling dynamic participant experience
  • Editors and publishers desiring unique and useful content

Consulting with Organizations

Discerning assessments, real-world testing, curriculum development. an experienced novelist + teacher can enhance your product or service delivery.

You'd like a discerning, experienced assessment of your product or service for fiction writers. Or you're looking for curriculum design. Or you're looking for creative scenario building, or for some other outside-the-box solutions that an experienced story teller, producer, and coach and teach with over 20 years experience can bring to your project. Beth Barany offers bespoke solution that are robust and playful, results-oriented and respectful of the often mysterious process of creating.

Who This Service Is Best Suited For:

  • For product developers or curriculum designers looking to partner with Beth Barany.
  • Forward-thinking C-Level executives wanting the hard questions to open their solution base.
  • Leaders desiring to incorporate more heart-centered, creative approaches to their processes.
  • Educational institutions desiring new curriculum and a fulfilling dynamic participant experience.
  • Editors and publishers desiring unique and useful content to wow their audience.