Hey there authors, creative leaders, and fellow creatives!
I'm Beth Barany, and I'm so happy to meet you!
I’m an award-winning science fiction and fantasy novelist, run a successful business as a coach and consultant for authors, have taught hundreds of students through my online school and in person for organizations and conferences.
I host the podcast "How To Write The Future," tips and tools for fiction writers and forward-thinking organizations.
I use my creativity to serve others and bring joy into my life and into the lives of others.
I collaborate one-on-one with writers as well as in groups.
Email me if you'd like explore if working together is a good fit for you. I look forward to chatting and connecting.
But my journey didn’t start that way…

My path started back after being rejected from graduate school...
After always reaching and achieving my academic goals as a teen and an adult (valedictorian; fluent in French by 17; got into UC Berkeley), I’d just gotten rejected from graduate school in journalism. I was 30.
What was I going to do with my life? I was working as an assistant manager at Blockbuster Video (remember such stores?!), and was reeling from confusion, lack of direction, and felt unmoored from life. I had no clear direction. I was lost.
When I finally got up the courage to reread my application to graduate school in journalism (I only applied to one school - d'oh!), I saw that I’d written there in black and white the deep reason why I wanted to go to grad school and study journalism was because
I wanted to be a novelist.
I read that and it hit me. Duh! No wonder they didn’t let me in. And, if that’s what I said I wanted, well, I had better get to it. I realized it was time for action. I realized the only way to be a writer was to write.
But where to begin such an overwhelming task?
I did what a book nerd like me would do in the pre-internet days: I went to the library and read the local activities announcement board. Right away, I found a group that met at a local café and joined it. I started my first novel at that very first meeting.
Through that group, and through another I joined soon after (and where I met my husband, bestselling author Ezra Barany – more on him later), I got on track and started working on that first novel.
Fast forward to 2024: I’ve written 16 novels in three genres, 5 nonfiction how-to books, and hundreds of educational and inspirational articles, and have self-published 10 novels -- so far. More are on the way. I’ve won a grand prize on one of my novels and was a finalist in several contests for other novels. I have 2-3 books in process at any given time, and I make time to write while running my creative, ever-evolving business helping fiction writers, creative entrepreneurs, and other adventurous thinkers.
I’m so excited to be bringing my knowledge, passion, and vision to you!
Creative courage means facing the unknown that lies within and to manifest that in the here and now. Creative courage also means having patience to allow our art to unfold and mature. Kindness to oneself and joy in the process are also necessary to the act of creativity.
My Approach To Creativity Coaching
Supportive Strength.
When I work with writers and other adventurous thinkers, I encourage them to focus on their strengths and start there.
Serious Fun.
When the process feels fun, you can focus deeply and create from a more authentic place.
Trusting the Process.
Your way of creating won't be like any others. Trust your gut, your instincts, and your desires to find your truth and put that on the page, even if it scares you. See Embracing Fear.

Futuristic Thinking.
Visioning and day dreaming and feeling into our true desires pulls us forward into a new reality.
Embracing Fear.
All feelings are useful when we create, including fear. Fear tells us what to pay attention to and acts as a guardian.
No Judgment Here.
Judgment is useful when we edit, but when we create something new, leave judgment at the door. Better yet, send it shopping for the best pair of shoes.

There is inherent structure to the chaos of creating.
Beth Barany
creativity is my jam

from a journal entry by beth barany, a doodle June 27, 2023
My Official Bio

Beth Barany is an award-winning novelist, master neurolinguistic programming practitioner, and certified creativity coach for writers. She's also an experienced international speaker and podcaster.
Beth specializes in helping writers experience clarity, so they can write, revise, and proudly publish their novels to the delight of their readers. Her courses are packed with useful hands-on information that you can implement right away. She runs a 12-month group coaching program to help science fiction and fantasy writers edit their manuscripts and get published. She also offers bespoke one-on-one coaching and consulting programs for science fiction and fantasy authors and other adventurous thinkers.
When she's not helping writers, Beth writes magical tales of romance, mystery, and adventure that empower women and girls to be the heroes of their own lives.