Presentations for Your Group

Are you looking for dynamic, information-packed presentation or workshop that delivers results for fiction writers, both aspiring and experienced? If so, you’re in luck.

Learn how Beth Barany can offer an author training that is robust and playful, plus results-oriented and respectful of the often mysterious process of creating.

Welcome Event Planner!

Finding the right speaker or trainer for your event or workshop can be a tall order to fill. You need the right blend of insight, education, and humor to make the time spent engaging, informative, and productive.

Beth Barany's mission is provide author training that is powerful and playful, results-oriented and respectful of the often mysterious creative process.

Beth uses her world-building and storytelling talents as an author to captivate participants and inspire them to enter their own imaginations to design and develop the stories of tomorrow. Beth provides practical tools that can be applied to their own work-in-progress with hands-on, custom-designed programs.

In every presentation, participants get inspired, are invited to connect to their deepest WHY and do work on their own stories. They’ll practice the elements of authorship, including marketing and branding, and depending on the topic, they’ll have the key ingredients they need to write a scene, craft a stronger character, or develop a clear idea of their story structure. They’ll leave inspired and motivated to take the next steps on their creative work.

"My goal for the participants is to trust in their creativity and take inspired action."
~ Beth Barany

featured speaker & master teacher at:

What Past Participants Say

"Very engaging and encouraging! Extremely useful and helpful to any aspiring writer." 

Ithra Cultural Center

“By the end of the course I had written a full chapter, something I hadn’t anticipated. It was a great feeling and mission accomplished, achieved by the excellent tutoring of Beth Barany, her friendliness and writing knowledge … I would highly recommend attending any of her future classes.”

Jean Taylor, Ithra workshop participant

“I think back on the first class I took from you several years ago. I gained so much knowledge from that class (and the others I’ve taken), but from you as well. You motivated me to believe in myself and that I could achieve my dream. Now as of this weekend, I published my third book.”

Dianna Wilkes, Romance Mystery Novelist

"Beth’s workshop was great. It helped me explore the ideas that had been floating around in my head for years. I learned things about myself and my writing skill.” 

Zana Lugo, Ameriprise

“Your 21 Senses breakout session was such a highlight of my weekend. Thank you so much for presenting at the 2019 San Francisco Writers Conference. I can’t wait to learn more from you as I apply the 21 senses material to my characters.”

Jennifer Gerhart

“Your courses helped give me the guidance I needed to create my story, write dialogue, and develop my characters. Your strategies have been invaluable to me.”

Debra Wesselmann, Author

Featured Keynotes & Presentations

Build Your Story World

Developing deeper characters, crafting new worlds, building the story conflict and structure, and supporting people through the creative process.

Develop a writing practice

Breaking through writer's block, instituting a creative writing practice,  getting a full chapter written, and build confidence in their creativity.


Building a creative business requires a different orientation than what is taught in MBA programs or standard business books. Discover how to build the foundations based on an organic, human-centric process grounded in your values.

marketing your work

Marketing your book to readers or publishers, building your author brand, stepping into the creative entrepreneur mindset, crafting a marketing plan that suits their needs and personality. Creating community, rituals, and practices to maintain the marathon that is marketing your work.

I tailor my workshops, webinars, and talks for your group. You can choose from the following topics or I can create a topic just for your group. 

Read on for some specific topics.

What Past Participants Say

"Best workshop I've attended in a long time."

California Writer's Club Mt. Diablo attendee

"Your workshop was one of the most productive ones I've attended in a while."

Gala Russ, Romance novelist

Specific Topics Include:

Delivered live in-person; on Zoom; in a short lecture style or highly interactive, I can deliver my topic in a way that fits your organization.

Choose from the following topics or I can create a topic just for your group.

Specialized in supporting science fiction and fantasy authors, the material can easily be tailored to all kinds of writers.


Based on my podcast by the same name, I teach writers to apply foresight and futurists tools to creating their story worlds. Alternatively, I teach foresight practioners and futurists story building skills.


Learn how NLP, or neurolinguistic programming, boosts writing productivity and writing quality for authors. It's a gentle tool fostering self-acceptance while achieving desired outcomes effortlessly. We use tools like "parts work" and "future self" and systems framing to support the change you want.

Plan your novel in 30 days

Based on my book, Plan Your Novel Like A Pro, I teach writers how to go from idea to solid plan so they can write their novel with clarify and confidence.

create a robust writing practice

Writers learn tools to overcome writers block, bolster their confidence, and get back to writing their book.

develop your author branding

Writers learn the foundations of branding and marketing, so they can gain clarity, peace of mind, and map out a plan of action.

edit your novel

Writers learn a process to polish their novel and get it publish-ready with a focus on developmental and line editing.

start your creative author business

Build the foundations of your creative entrepreneur business so that you can start selling your products and services.


An interactive workshop about foundational principles to develop and sustain your author presence and sell your books (without social media).

Enhance Your Scenarios with Fiction Writing Tools 

If you write scenarios or facilitate their creation, these tools will help your scenarios come alive and encourage action by your stakeholders. 

Let's Partner Up!

For the writing courses, participants have done timed writing, brainstormed, been inspired by their cohorts’ shares, and walked away with the realization that they just crafted a story outline for the very first time.

Ultimately, they come away with a deeper understanding of their creative process and how to harness their ideas into story.

Likewise on the creative entrepreneurship side, participants have discovered fresh perspectives on designing a business centered around their values, shared with their cohorts, created new networking connections, formed partnerships, or started their businesses in the room.

They came away from the course with a clear and do-able roadmap for how to create the success their desire with their creative business.

next steps to Hire beth as a Speaker


Review Your Options

Choose the best topic and format for your group. 


Contact Beth

Email Beth to discuss how to tailor the presentation to your participants. She can do a Zoom or phone call, at your convenience.


Confirm Speaking Details

Confirm speaking details with Beth. She'll send you a proposal with specifics and rates for nonprofits and for-profit groups, as appropriate.