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* Come for the tips, stay for the radical notions of living a creative life. *
For fiction writers who want to write, polish, and revise their novels to the delight of their readers.
♥ Goodies you’ll be invited to once you sign up…
- Weekly announcement of the latest "How to Write The Future" podcast episode for inspiration and learning
- a 5-day Writer’s Motivation mini-course to get you started or re-started on your writing
- an invitation to join our regular writing sprints (currently twice-monthly) for companionship and motivation to do the thing!
- an invitation to join our online community, Fellowship of the Pen (a Facebook group), for ongoing support and accountability
- the “12 Stages of the Writer’s Adventure” report to map where you are in the process
- the World Building Report for Fiction Writers to craft powerful, engrossing worlds for your stories
- and other surprise goodies!