Your Fiction Writer's Consultant

Creativity applied to your knotty issues. Best practices to get you to your success.

Your Consulting Session for the Published Writer & Creative Entrepreneur

Your book is done and published or almost done and ready to publish, and you're looking at the marketplace with some trepidation, maybe a little excitement. But mostly overwhelm and confusion reign.

How to make sense of the best path forward to the success you yearn for?

You wish that book marketing was easier.

You hope that readers will find and love your book but how to reach them? Social media is so not your thing. But you love words.

Where is the best use of your time and energy and resources to get you book in front of as many people as you can?
How do you sort through all the mess of shouting advice from out there?

How do you make author and book marketing fit YOUR life?
Ultimately, how do you create the successful author's life that you dream of?

Working together we can...

Create book marketing action that suits you and your life

There are many ways to meet your readers in the marketplace and the solution is not a one-size-fits-all. We'll find the right and best solution, for you.

Design the foundations of your author career

Just like building a story, you can craft an author career that works for you on a day-to-day basis. Dreams are great and act as our North Star, but it's the small daily actions that will create the life you desire as a creative.

Construct a road map to your Big Dream

Impossible dreams are possible! We can ground your vision and make it real with a roadmap and tools and skills that bring the vastness of your dream a little bit closer to you day-by-day.

What To Expect From Your Creative Writer Consulting Session

The Basics

We meet on Zoom or phone, or even at a coffee shop if you're local to Oakland, CA, and talk about your goals, visions, and challenges.

Together we'll build your way forward.

All sessions come with a pre-meeting assessment so we can make the most of our time together.

Sessions are 60 minutes long, but may sometimes go a little bit over. So block off 90 minutes.

Optional Add-Ons

If you would like a materials assessment of your social media or other marketing materials, I include an in-depth review with notes. 

Personalized Support

I take great care to craft a personalized and customized experience to you and your needs. 

To that end, I'll be asking deep questions to help us uncover the truth of the matter, so that we can help you unlock your power to accomplish your dreams.

Some of these questions you'll get in the pre-meeting assessment questionnaire. Some I'll ask when we meet. 

Powerful questions can unlock powerful answers.


In our session together, I'll ask you want feedback you want from me and what support specifically. At all times, you are the captain of your own ship.

We'll bring some mindfulness, compassion, and grace to the problem, look at it from different angles, and use your inherent creativity to bear on the situation, so that you end up with more resources and a richer version of you today.

Magic can happen in a breath!

Meet Your Creative Writing Consultant

Hi, I’m Beth Barany!

Beth Barany is an award-winning novelist, master neurolinguistic programming practitioner, and certified creativity coach for writers. She's also an experienced international speaker and podcaster.

Beth specializes in helping writers experience clarity, so they can write, revise, and proudly publish their novels to the delight of their readers. Her courses are packed with useful hands-on information that you can implement right away. She runs an online school for fiction writers and a 12-month group coaching program to help them get published. She also offers bespoke one-on-one coaching and consulting sessions for science fiction and fantasy authors and other adventurous thinkers.

When she's not helping writers, Beth writes magical tales of romance, mystery, and adventure that empower women and girls to be the heroes of their own lives.

Consulting For Novelists & Creative Entrepreneurs

Sessions for Authors Desiring to Build a Successful and Sustainable Career

Through our work together, some outcomes we can create:
  • You can have it the way you want it -- just maybe in a form you never imagined.
  • Let's bring your creativity, courage, and changeability to conversation, so you can choose your next big step and gracefully and effortlessly move into that new you.
  • You feel confident about bring your books to the marketplace. 
  • You have a roadmap you can tweak as you go.
  • You have clarity and confidence to create the author life you desire.

Important Details

  • For published fiction authors and creative entrepreneurs ready to be or are already in the marketplace
  • Sessions are 60-90 minutes long.
  • $750 per session. 
  • Calls are recorded upon request.
  • All of our conversations are confidential.
  • We offer packages tailored to your needs and interests.
  • Optional Add-on - Materials Review: $250: 15 manuscript pages (Maximum: 3750 words)